8 Things to help along any journey

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  • nirvana
    • Posts: 22
    7 pts

    1. We are here to bring our ideas, desires, and inspirations into form.
    What does this mean? We are here to create stuff. The stuff we create becomes our “work”. This work may be making art or taking care of children or operating on a brain or sweeping floors. It has to resonate with you. If it doesn’t resonate, stop making it. When we express our ideas, desires and feelings, we get in contact with life force energy. This energy feels like a good MDMA trip minus the hangover. When we do what doesn’t resonate with us, our ideas, desires and feelings get energetically trapped inside our bodies. When energy gets trapped, we begin to suffer from insomnia, depression, addictions, physical ailments, emptiness and other fun stuff.

    2. Follow your inspiration WITHOUT ANY ATTACHMENT TO THE OUTCOME.
    Usually when we get an idea, we come up with a detailed vision of how it will work out. While this is important, what’s more important is to let go of the details shortly after. In other words, hold on to the essence, the main ideas but throw out the run-on sentences, forget the grammar, and who cares about punctuation. Why? Because the visions we hold for ourselves are often based on current belief systems not always in line with our fullest potential and are often based on unconscious programming. There is a higher self within and a cosmic voice surrounding you that will guide you towards everything you need. In my experience, the best surprises come when I stop resisting what is appearing in my life if it’s not what I expect and open myself to a different version.

    3. As we support our callings, life supports us. 
    Yes, we live in a world where money is a thing and yes, our “survival” depends on that thing. But money in its highest form is a tool for our creative expansion. In other words, that we “have” to make money means we have the choice to think creatively about what we can “do” to make this happen. It helps us manifest what I am talking about in “rule” number one: giving form to our inspirations. When we do what we feel inspired to do rather than what we feel we should do, we set in motion the law of abundance.
    One of the law’s main tenants: As you share your gifts, you receive back many times over (financially backing included). In other words, when you align with what you are here to express, when you connect with your flow rather than some societal or parental ideological stream that has no clue about who you are, then life aligns providing you with everything you need to fulfill your calling. When we ignore our callings, life doesn’t abandon us. It will slap us in the face with a bunch of tough love experiences that get us to wake the hell up.

    4. What heals us, heals others.
    So why should you follow your heart, express your feelings, and pursue the excitement moving inside you? Because it will heal you. And when you heal yourself, you heal the planet. Doesn’t that feel good?

    5. Trust the process. 
    I know, it’s boring to hear but really it’s super important. I mean, who wants to feel uncomfortable while waiting for something to unfold or shame after having let oneself become vulnerable for the first time? I don’t, but we have two choices: We can feel like shit doing the same shit we do every day and go nowhere or we can move more deeply into our feelings and let ourselves be vulnerable and yes, feel like complete shit in the process because for sure when we step out of our comfort zone some uncomfortable things will surface, sometimes painful things like traumas we never dealt with but the end to this version of the story is NOT the same old suffering.
    It’s a new world where walking through the pain leads to a lighter, more magical reality whose expansion has no limit. After time, it becomes clear that embracing the process is the point of life instead of any end game such as fame or monetary or professional success or whatever. That falling deeply in love comes as a direct result of honoring your whole being and allowing everything to be all the while holding a greater vision for yourself. When we trust the process, we gain trust in ourselves and when we trust ourselves, anything that appears in our lives– the good, the bad and the ugly-becomes a gift and source for a greater love story.

    6. Mistakes lead to the greatest discoveries.
    Honor, honor, honor your mistakes and imperfections. Being an artist has taught me more about this than any other experience. Most of my biggest painting “mistakes” have been my best sellers and some of my most impulsive moves have led to the discovery of techniques that make me feel the most joy when I am creating.

    7. Confidence is not the absence of insecurity.
    It is the ability to feel vulnerable and insecure, to name it to ourselves and others and despite the fear, the flops and f*ck ups to continue to do whatever it is we are doing. Feeling ashamed, scared and lost as hell is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of being human and if we are up for it (you know all that enlightenment talk?), it’s really about feeling your feels, being in your body, being real. This is the route to Nirvana and we can find it here.

    8. Create Space.
    When we are bringing something into the world or waiting for something to come to us, we must allow for a balance between action and rest. One underemphasized aspect of manifestation is the importance of passivity, of creating space for the seeds we have planted to grow. Does the pot of basil seeds you planted grow into a plant you can eat more quickly if you overwater them? Same idea. Don’t force the form. Slow your roll and let the space speak.

    Read the rest of her story here:

    How to Fall Madly in Love: 8 Things I Learned from Leaving Everything Behind

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by nirvana.
    • Posts: 2

    Good rules to live by

    • Posts: 93
    4 pts

    On this second point – Follow your inspiration WITHOUT ANY ATTACHMENT TO THE OUTCOME. I wouldn’t agree too much to it Whatever that I’m doing for myself in terms of trying to have a breakthrough, I’m always attached to it because that’s the only way I can be able to give my best. It’s the only that I can be able to do do the 5th point of trusting the process.

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