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The Love 4 Fitness
Training related questions. Share your workouts.
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Body Fuel: Nutrition Q&A|Recipes|Food Journals
Discussions on anything and everything food and nutrition related. Post your food ideas and personal journals in the forums below.
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The Love 4 Food
Nutrition and food related questions. Share your recipes and meal plans.
How Can You Lose Weight In A Really Very Pleasant Way?
- 27
Mind Fit: Positive Living Q&A|Zen Lounge
Make lemonade, or a sangria, out of lemons. Positive framing your thoughts, life and outlook. Life hacks. Improving your overall quality of life.
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The Love 4 Mindfulness
Positive Mental Attitude. Positive framing your life.
Our Affirmations YouTube channel
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My Love 4 Life
Journal Your Progress. Create only personal journals within.
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Forums created by Group Admins.
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Notify other L4L members here to join your groups.
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Water Cooler
Off Topic Discussion
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Water Cooler
Discussions on anything and everything off topic.
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Forum Guidelines|Suggestions|How to|Test Area
Suggestions and comments about the site. How to's: get the most out of L4L's customization.
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The Love 4 Fitness
Slow Cooker: Garden Chili
A great way to manage what you eat, for benefits of health and help for wei....
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